Tips for boiling green vegetables
11:42 AMTo boil green vegetables keep nutrients not everyone knows. But with the green boiling tips below will help you have more knowledge about boiled vegetables a lot!
Refrigerate the vegetables as soon as boiled
As soon as the vegetables are removed from the boiled pot, place the vegetables in a quick brass of filtered water containing some small ice cubes in it. Wait until the freshly picked fresh leaves, drain. This method helps green vegetables for many hours.Hãy đợi nước thật sôi và vắt thêm chanh
Với các loại rau như súp lơ, cà rốt muốn giữ màu sắc tươi sáng, các chị em chỉ cần đợi nước thật sôi, vắt thêm vài giọt chanh, hay cho vào một muỗng giấm. Làm như thế không những rau giữ được màu sắc mà còn giữ được hương vị ban đầu.
Cooking oil also helps to boil green vegetables
In order not to waste time with the above, you can put a spoonful of cooking oil in a boiling water pot before picking out the vegetables. Thanks to the outer cooking oil, your vegetables will be greener and shiny.