White Skin All Skin Tips For Summer

10:58 PM

Hot weather is signaling the coming summer. Sunlight and the environment at this time will cause the skin to be affected. If not careful skin will cause the skin to catch sun, make the skin nude, rough and fast aging.

Here are some tips to whiten the whole body skin, so that the skin is always healthy, smooth and full of vitality!

Exfoliating the skin

Exfoliating is important in skin whitening because it removes dead cells and dirt, which causes acne and dull skin. You can make yourself a home remedies remedy with natural ingredients, easy to make, effective and very economical. Once a week exfoliating not only help whiten the skin but also help to acne and prevent acne effectively.
Directions: Mix well with brown sugar, jojoba oil or olive oil. Once mixed, apply directly to the skin and rub to remove dead cells. Then bathe with warm water and apply lotion.

Take advantage of natural blends

To regain your healthy and tight complexion, take advantage of natural ingredients such as green tea, egg white and honey to create a whitening formula at home. Green tea, egg white due to acid in green tea and nutrients in egg whites, protein ... help to remove dead skin cells, white skin, nutrients in honey to make your skin soft and smooth. 

Directions: Take 2 egg whites, 1 small cup of green tea powder, 1 small honey, mix this mixture into a paste mixture. Then apply this mixture to the skin for 20-30 minutes, should not be too long. You massage gently, pat hands on the skin throughout the body so that the substances in the mixture penetrates into the pores, leaving the skin bright white smooth.

Drink water only

Water is the major component of every cell and organism in the body. Lack of skin will dry, not smooth, reduce elasticity and appearance of wrinkles. So drinking enough water every day is very important for the health and appearance of the skin. When your body is adequately supplied with water, your skin will not dry, stabilize the skin structure and keep the skin firm, bright pink.

To use water with the body to be maximized, you should drink warm water and drink to maintain from 7-8 glasses of water a day.

Apply moisturizer

The final step to healthy skin is to apply moisturizer, which will help to provide nutrients and essential moisture to nourish the skin to become whiter and smoother. You should choose products with natural extracts and clear origin.
However, if you apply the wrong cream, use the wrong time, ... will have a great impact on the effect of skin care and skin care. So, for optimal results and to ensure the safety of your skin, you must know how to use the body lotion properly.

Good luck!