Tips to peel garlic simple, fast and effective

3:31 AM

Not only is the ingredient indispensable in processing many delicious dishes, garlic is also a cure for many diseases. Siblings are often afraid to sit garlic peeled because this work is very difficult and time consuming. The following, please share with you some tips on peeling garlic simple, fast and effective!

Use the microwave to peel the garlic

The quick way to grind garlic using a microwave oven is very simple, you put the garlic in the oven for 15 seconds, the heat plus the steam out of the garlic, the shell is extracted easily. Then you just need to remove the garlic shell quickly and easily.

Shake easy to peel garlic

With this garlic peel you need to prepare a box with lid. Separate the garlic branches apart, then put the garlic in the box, cover and shake the box very strong. You shake for about 30 seconds, the garlic shell will shed to 90%.

Beat garlic before, peel after

Usually in cooking, you usually peel the garlic first and then crush. However, with the tip of garlic peel quick, you will beat the garlic first, peeled later.

The method is very simple, first separate each garlic branch, then use a knife to beat the garlic. The shell will automatically peel off, peel it out and continue chopping the garlic crushed.