Make roses with natural breastmilk
7:43 PMMaking roses with natural breastmilk is very much believed by many women because it is full and effective.
Use olive oil
Olive oil contains: Extra Virgin, Virgin, Pure and Extra light. Extra virgin is the oil obtained from the first pressing of the olive oil, so oil is almost pure, less processed. We should use this oil to rub on the nipples daily, it will help moisturize, exfoliate your skin.
Use honey
Before showering, you just pour a little honey on the tip of your finger and rub it all around the breast and the breast. Honey helps to make the skin pigment more fresh, so that bruising also reduced.
Use cooked papaya
Each time you take a bath, take a piece of papaya ripen, rub the pieces of papaya onto the head of the papaya, beta carotene, the precursor of vitamin A of papaya, will help to prevent skin aging. At the same time papaya is also rich in natural enzymes, easily penetrate deep into the skin to help beautiful skin, heal the damage to the skin. Papaya also exfoliates dead skin cells, restoring the youthfulness to your breast.
Orange shell and egg yolk
This method is a bit fussy. Take 100g peeled orange peel, then mashed and then mixed with a fresh egg yolk. Beat this mixture well and proceed to rub evenly over your nipple. This method is effective because orange peel contains vitamin C, carotene, protein and glycoside to regenerate skin quickly and increase blood flow to help the pink and white heads faster.