How to treat acne fast with lemon

6:11 PM

Do you know how lemon works for acne? Lemon not only has the effect of acne but it is also capable of acne fast. Please refer to below for more information.

Lemon and salt

Lemon contains more vitamin C. Vitamin C helps to remove dirt, dead cells and sebum on the skin. Lemon and salt are highly biocidal, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory, but not dry. Using lemon and salt, to wash your face, you will get unexpected results during your acne treatment.

Mix some warm water with 1/2 lemon and a little salt. Use this mixture to wash your face, then wash your face with cold water, do it twice daily in the morning after waking up and at night before going to sleep for optimal results. Do not use too much lemon, otherwise the amount of acid in the lemon will tear the skin and dry up the skin. Persevering, you will notice that your skin will noticeably change.

Lemon and chicken eggs

Combining lemon with chicken eggs will be one of the most effective acne treatments, especially for acne. With nutrients and active ingredients in lemon and chicken eggs will help remove acne, tighten pores and help the skin become whitish, smooth.

Sip the egg whites with 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, mix well until well blended together. Then apply a freshly-blended mixture to the affected area. After 15 minutes, the sisters apply a layer, about 3 times. After the third session, the sisters waited for facial skin to stretch, dry face mask wash with warm water. Then, pat face with cold water again for clean and firm skin. Should be done regularly, twice a week. Persist, after a month, you will see smooth, white skin and less acne.

How to treat acne with lemon and honey

Lemon and honey are the enemies of pustules, bumps and blackheads. Lemon and honey are highly oxidized to help eliminate the cause of pustules, acne and blackheads. Lemon helps kill the bacteria that cause acne and honey to restore damaged skin from acne.

Lemon and honey in a ratio of 1: 1, then use this mixture mask for about 20 minutes and then wash your face clean with cool water. Then apply a little rose water on your face.

Be patient, the sisters will have clean skin acne, white light and smooth.